Craft Brewing for Sale?

Is craft brewing for sale? You’d be hard-pressed to find a more divisive issue in the craft beer community than Big Beer’s shopping spree for small brewers. The list of small brewers selling themselves to big beer is growing. In fact, there has been more than one craft beer deal per month over the past 14 months, according to

Craft Brewing for Sale?Do you know which of these breweries are now owned by Big Beer?

Is selling your small brewing company to big beer outfits like AB InBev really selling out? Many craft brewers are perfectly happy with their new corporate parents. Some have sold out and regretted the outcome. Other small brewing leaders think these small breweries should never have sold out and vow to never sell. Fortune Magazine talks about the big dilemma craft brewers face: hold out or sell out?

Read Fortune Magazine’s Story Here: Craft beer’s big dilemma: Hold out or sell out