5 Stories Over Beer is a weekly article that presents 5 recent and thought-provoking stories about beer and the brewing industry that you should read. So sit down, grab a beer, and take a few minutes to read 5 thirst-quenching stories. Cheers!

Telling a Beer’s Story with Label Art – 5 Stories Over Beer

1. Label Art – Lost Abbey Labels Tell Stories of the Beer Inside: The back label for each bottle of Lost Abbey beer tells a little story to accompany the beer inside and the front label features original art that brings the story to life. Click here to read the full story about Lost Abbey’s devotion to creating unique and fascinating art for each of its beers.

lost-abbey_collageUnique Beers and Art Can Be Found At Lost Abbey

2. South America Discovers Craft Beer: The craft beer revolution is starting to emerge in South America. Small breweries are opening up, offering alternatives to the mass-produced brands of lagers. Read the full story by clicking here.

south_america_01A Revolution is Brewing

3. Startup Delivers Beer to Your Door: A new startup, named Hopsy, will be providing beer growler delivery service from local breweries to your door in San Diego. Get the full story by clicking here.

HopsyHopsy Delivers

4. What’s Trending: Read about 6 beer trends to expect in 2017 by clicking here.

signWhat’s Happening in the Future?

5. Getting a Charge Out of Beer: Colorado researchers have turned beer waste into battery electrodes. Get the positive and negative by clicking here.

grey lithium-ion battery top view

Because Beer Can Be Empowering



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