Bear Republic Racer 5 IPA (7% ABV / 75+ IBUs): Racer 5 IPA is Bear Republic’s flagship beer and has won four Gold and Silver Medals at the GABF, a World Beer Cup Silver Medal, and two Gold Medals at the CA State Fair. Brewed with American pale and crystal malts, and heavily hopped with Chinook, Cascade, Columbus and Centennial hops, this beer pours a clear gold color with healthy white foam that leaves a lace web. Racer 5 has a citrus aroma from the hops with a light undertone of malty bread. The beer is full-bodied with moderate carbonation. Racer 5 has a sweet malt and biscuit flavor that is rapidly overtaken by delightfully strong hops bitterness. A little earthy hay/straw follows and then the beer finishes mildly dry with an impressive and lingering hops bitterness. This is a wonderful West Coast IPA that goes for the checkered flag.