Lefèbvre Brewery Blanche De Bruxelles Witbier (Manneken Pis Belgian White; 4.5% ABV) – As described by Beeradvocate a witbier is a “Belgian Style ale that’s very pale and cloudy in appearance due to it being unfiltered and the high level of wheat, and sometimes oats, that’s used in the mash. Always spiced, generally with coriander, orange peel and other oddball spices or herbs in the back ground. The crispness and slight twang comes from the wheat and the lively level of carbonation.” The beer poured with a very white head and was a cloudy straw color in the glass. This beer had an aroma of coriander, hay/wheat, and orange citrus. It had a medium body with a slight carbonated fizz. Flavors of coriander, orange, lemon, grain, and slight pineapple were present. The taste fades with flavors of malt, lemon, and a slight dry hoppiness.