Bear Republic Hop Rod Rye (8% ABV / 80 IBUs): Hop Rod Rye is an IPA style beer brewed with 18% rye malt that has a long list of Medal awards at the CA State Fair and is rated World Class by Beer Advocate. This beer pours a clear amber color with persistent beige foam that leaves a nice trailing lace. Hop Rod Rye has a malt, citrus, and floral initial aroma that is followed and enhanced by spicy rye. The beer is medium-bodied and creamy with mild carbonation. Hop Head Rye has an initial sweet caramel malt flavor with toffee. Rye then emerges to create a wonderful backdrop for the initial sweetness. The complex and delicious flavors are then topped with a hops bitterness that is skillfully integrated to create the perfect ending. Hop Rod Rye is the perfect symphony of flavors that had my engine revving!