Monkey Knife Fight American Pale Ale (5.0% ABV): Made with Crystal Malts and Mt. Hood hops, then dry-hopped with Cascade hops. Monkey Knife Fight (MKF) pours a clear gold color with an off-white foam head. The beer has a mild malt aroma with strong delightful grapefruit bouquet. The tap version of MKF has a slightly lower alcohol content than the bottled version. MKF is medium-bodied with mild prickly and pleasant carbonation. MKF has a light toasted malt flavor with some earthy hay background and a mild hops bitterness. My guess is that MKF-tap is Rubicon’s version of a session ale that goes with most food. This is a very drinkable pale ale but it lacks many of the assertive flavor characteristics I commonly expect in this style of beer.