Stone RuinTen Double IPA (10.8% ABV): Stone RuinTen was first released in 2012, as Stone Ruination Tenth Anniversary IPA, to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Stone Ruination IPA. Stone Brewery then decided to continue making the beer under the name Stone RuinTen. This IPA packs a whopping five pounds of hops into each barrel! Stone RuinTen pours a beautiful clear copper color with white foam head. A Cascade floral hops aroma prevails but is coupled with grapefruit and citrus. The beer is full-bodied with a spicy and tingly feel that is quite pleasant. Stone RuinTen has a spicy grapefruit/citrus flavor with malt and pine. The beer finishes with an intense, dry hops bitterness that is not overwhelming. This beer is a heavy hitter and a Double IPA Lover’s Delight!