What if you could open a can of beer and pour without the ” glug glug glug ” of air trying to enter the can from the same opening the beer was exiting?  The result would be less unwanted foam from your pour.  A new start-up has developed just the solution to ensure proper can venting – the Snake Bite.

According to the inventor, here is how it works: “If just the main can opening is utilized, the pouring has to stop so that air can enter the can and re-establish equilibrium. This is what causes the “glug-glug-glug” sound when pouring something from a can if it isn’t vented. If you have venting, then air is let in which constantly keeps equilibrium in letting the liquid out smoothly. This is especially important when pouring a canned craft beer into a glass. It’s worth mentioning that every canned beer has different levels of carbonation and due to that, pour results will vary.”

Also, “Venting also eliminates a significant amount of air you ingest while drinking straight from a can. This greatly improves drinkability, comfort, and overall experience.”

I tried Snake Bite™ and it worked for me. Now to be 100% honest, I normally tilt the glass when pouring my beer to reduce foaming.  However, using the Snake Bite™ forked church key and bottle opener complements that technique.

Want to learn more about Snake Bite™? Visit their website by clicking here or their Facebook page by clicking here.


[Author’s Note: Photo and video courtesy of Snake Bite™.]

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