Take an armchair visit to a unique brewery, pub or other intoxicating venue that has a story you’ll love.

Spezial Keller:

Today’s armchair visit takes place in Bamberg, Germany. And today’s tour was inspired by a recent post by my friend Owen Ogletree about a beer-style called Rauchbier. As noted by Owen, Rauchbier is a historic beer style of smoked lager found in Bamberg. In German, rauch means smoke. This style happens to be one of my favorite beer styles.

The most famous Rauchbier comes from a brewery called Schlenkerla (a must visit for anyone visiting beer mecca Bamberg). However, my post is about another Bamberg location – Spezial Keller.

Spezial Keller is a favorite of mine and many Bamberg locals. The location is about a 15 minute, uphill walk from the city center. During my visit to Bamberg, I found that most of the tourists stick to the city center. Spezial Keller provided me some respite from the normal tourist crowd.

Most notably, the view from the lush, spacious beer garden at Spezial Keller is spectacular. And the hilltop breeze is refreshing.

Spezial Keller’s version of Rauchbier is a good introduction to this style of beer since it is not as intensely smoky as Schlenkerla’s version. And their fresh beers are delicious.

Interested in visiting Bamberg and trying Rauchbier? If yes, you should consider taking a tour with Owen Ogletree and Brewtopia Events – https://www.classiccitybrew.com/brewtopiatrips.html.

Spezial Keller Virtual Tour


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